International Light Technologies has been developing and manufacturing high-performance light meters and measurement systems for over 50 years. Our comprehensive portfolio of light measurement products include radiometers, photometers, optometers, dataloggers, lux meters, chroma meters, spectrometers and spectroradiometers.  These meters are designed to measure light in the IR, NIR, VIS and UV Range. Our meters are used for process validation, and research and development covering a broad range of applications including manufacturing, aerospace, medical, scientific, industrial, automotive, agriculture, healthcare, entertainment, military, marine, and more. 


ILT light meters can be customized for system integration and OEM resale.  If you are interested in customization or OEM options, please contact our sales department at 978-818-6180, or by filling out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Want to try before you buy? Inquire about light measurement equipment rental here.

ILT2500 连续波和脉冲/闪光光测量系统

ILT2500 连续波和脉冲/闪光光测量系统

特征大尺寸4.3英寸电容式触摸屏显示手持式人体工学设计内置法拉第笼, 实现更低的稳定性 在同类产品中拥有广泛的测量范围,高达9个数量级
ILT750-BILI454 BiliBlanket光度计

ILT750-BILI454 BiliBlanket光度计

别让自己置身黑暗之中!ILT为使用GE蓝光光疗系统的用户,或寻找替代已停产的Ohmeda蓝光光度计的用户,提供了现成的替代品。特点读数与已停产的Ohmeda光度计一致大屏幕OLED显示屏,易于阅读使用GE LED光源在454纳米处进…




ILT770紫外光度计特征ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证,NIST可溯源的校准,确保结果可靠测量辐照度和剂量图形显示与数据分析经济实惠


特征易于使用价格实惠NIST可追溯性/符合ISO/IEC 17025:2017标准的照度测量/校准可存储读数,可下载至电脑
ILT800 CureRight辐射计

ILT800 CureRight辐射计

ILT800 UV 辐射计特征可存储最多1000次测量数据在仪表的集成显示屏上查看保存的测量数据将保存的测量数据下载到您的电脑简单的CureRightTM电脑接口,用于下载、查看和比较测量数据
ILT800 UV LED辐射计

ILT800 UV LED辐射计

特征可存储最多1000次测量数据测量范围:mW/cm² 至 40 W/cm²简易的CureRightTM PC接口,用于下载、查看和比较测量数据每秒可采样3000次


UV-VIS-IR光度计 市场应用

UV-VIS-IR光度计 产品案例