
About Our Rentals

Our rental department offers some of our most popular handheld light meter and detector combinations including full systems to measure lux, UV-A, UV-C, broadband UV, actnic hazard, blue response hazard and IR hazard. We also offer our UV and broadband spectrometers for those that need to verify wavelength and/or color temperature.  All of our light measurement systems have an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited calibration certificate and are NIST traceable, for accuracy you can rely on.


Radiometer Rentals

The ILT2400 handheld meter is the most advanced hand-held light meter and optometer on the market today. ILT’s Accuspan software automatically sets the averaging while rapidly measuring over 8 decades of light intensities.  The internal software allows customers to capture a peak as brief as 100μS and to store up to 16 readings per second. The color display works in both landscape and portrait mode. 


Spectrometer Rentals

Our ILT960 spectrometers include both wavelength and optical calibrations.  Readout is in μW/cm2/nm with the ability to calculate lux and μmols/m2 in the ILT960BB version. The ILT960 needs to be connected to a computer running Windows 7, 8 or 10 Professional in order to run the included software.

All rental units are NIST Traceable and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certified.

Radiometer rentals are one week rentals.  Spectroradiometer rentals are one-month rentals. For multi-week or multi-month rentals, please contact us.





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